Most investors are looking for general information about Shams Company before taking the trading step in it, and the following is the most important information that benefits any investor who trades his money in Shams, which is: -
شركة شمس Shami Company, the largest company specialized in tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The marketing value of the company is 340 million riyals during the last year, so it is one of the companies with huge values in the financial markets.
The company was established on June 31, 1991.
The company specializes in managing many resorts, facilities and hotels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The company supervises resorts and hotels, the most important of which is the Palm Beach Tourist Resort on the coast of the eastern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The company takes the task of overseeing a large number of marina, cabana and many sports clubs.
Shammy 6 includes many resorts and conference rooms and manages a lot of swimming pools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Shams is one of the largest joint -stock companies in Saudi Arabian territories, and is of great position and huge market division in the Kingdom's economy.